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Services and Fees

Single Family Home $400
Custom Single Family Home Call
Condominiums $400
2-4 Family Residential $650
Relocation Appraisal $650
2055 Interior and Exterior $350
2055 Exterior Only $300
2070 & 2075 Exterior Only $150
Field Reviews $350
Desk Reviews $250
Comparable Rent Schedule $75
Operating Income Statement $75
Final Inspections & Rural Properties $100

This is a list of the basic services offered by Colton Appraisal Group.  If there are any questions about the job type/form, please feel free to call at any time.  We will be happy to answer any questions. 

For your convenience we now accept Mastercard and Visa as well as the traditional cash, check or money order. Monthly billing can be arranged for Lender/Clients upon satisfactory arrangements and approval.